Saturday, February 14, 2009

Laws allowing corpse-munching are a waste of time

Laws are a waste of time. You don't eat your neighbor, not because it's against the law; but, because it's gross. California's Prop 2 is absurd folly.

The four primary requirements of the Meat Inspection Act of 1906 were:

Mandatory inspection of livestock before slaughter (cattle, sheep, goats, equines, swine, chickens);

Mandatory postmortem inspection of every carcass;

Sanitary standards established for slaughterhouses and meat processing plants;

Authorized U.S. Department of Agriculture ongoing monitoring and inspection of slaughter and processing operations.

After 1906, many additional laws to further standardize the meat industry and the USDA's methods of inspection were passed.

They are still ignoring laws passed in 1906.


Please help to end this cruel display of a Tiger

Tony's Story

For the last 15 years the number one complaint that comes to Big Cat Rescue is the story of Tony, a tiger held hostage at the Tiger Truck Stop in Grosse Tete, Louisiana. Sometimes it is because the caller has unwittingly pulled into this run down gas station and been horrified at what they saw. Sometimes it is because they were traveling down 1-10 and saw the sign that reads: "LIve Tiger Exhibit" at the Tiger Truck Stop. Sometimes it is because the caller has seen some mention of the place online. In all cases, most people exclaim, "How can that be legal?"


CLICK HERE to take action send letter or e-mail to The Iberville Parish Council.
They will be holding a public hearing on February 17th to take comment on the ordinance that is currently in place (from 1993!) that prohibits possession of big cats.